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  • 07/07/2023

Viaduct Open the Door to New Development that Re-imagines Thriving Communities of the Past

chimneys opening

Viaduct Housing, a development partnership between Stockport Homes and Stockport Council celebrated the opening of its latest development, The Chimneys, on 20th July 2023. All 16 shared ownership properties are a welcome addition to Stockport and the surrounding area of Lancashire Hill, with ambitions high across the borough to increase its portfolio of top quality, affordable homes.

Dash Architecture’s innovative designs were the cornerstone of this development’s reinterpretation of 20th century family housing; now a springboard for new families and first-time buyers to write the next chapter of its story. Decorative chimneystacks and restoration of the original cobbled street emulate the areas iconic character, now to be enjoyed for generations to come.

Delivered by Wigget Construction and supported by Homes England Grant Funding, all properties were reserved within 20 minutes of release, totalling 50 applications within the first hour.  

The Chimneys From Above

Ken Lee

This tremendously popular development is a testament to high-quality partnership work, with a clear mission to provide excellent homes being the prime focus of everyone involved. We’re delighted to celebrate the opening of The Chimneys and the blossoming community that is soon to follow.

Ken Lee, Chair of Viaduct Board

Good quality housing is in huge demand and these will provide much needed, affordable family homes that have been sensitively designed, to complement the character of the area. I’m really pleased that we have been able to work with Stockport Homes to bring this scheme forward and to celebrate this achievement today.

Cllr Colin MacAlister, Cabinet Member for Economy, Regeneration & Housing at Stockport Council