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Your Health At Home - Mental Health Awareness Week

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Viaduct Housing are proud to support #MentalHealthAwarenessWeek 2024, taking place on the 13th May 2024. If you are struggling with your mental health or not quite feeling yourself, creating a happy place at home is a great way to be kind to your mind and help ease any feelings of anxiousness. Check out our tips and tricks in this article to get you started.

Please Note: If you have concerns over your health, always contact your local GP or get in touch with a healthcare professional as your first point of call. Stockport Homes customers can also access free counselling through Beacon, click here for more information or to book an appointment.)

Spring Clean

The phrase Housework always seems like much more of a chore than Spring Clean, so let’s go with the latter. If you have unwanted clothes, items that are taking up too much space or a room that needs a little tidy, try sorting out the old and making space for the new. This is proven to be a quick win for your health, and even kickstart a positive cycle that you end up staying on top of. Start with something small like the dishes and let the rest follow.

A Relaxing Environment

A relaxing environment can really bolster peace of mind and serenity. By opening a few windows and letting fresh air in, you may notice yourself feeling much calmer and even find that your energy levels are increasing throughout the day.

Talking it Through

Talking can help lighten the load of concern you may be having – whether this is with loved ones, pet’s or even yourself, talking about a problem can help to break it down and give you clarity on the situation – helping to relieve the feeling of being overwhelmed. Oh, and whilst we’re on the subjects of pets – spending time with our furry friends has been proven to boost our mood, so don’t think twice before giving them a little rub under the chin.

Be Kind to Yourself

Whether you’re facing a whole day ahead of you, or you’re reflecting on the past 12 hours or so – try not to be too harsh on yourself. You have achieved more than you know – making your bed in the morning, finishing a Netflix series or checking in with your friends on the group chat, these little wins are to be celebrated.

For more advice and guidance check out the
Mental Health Foundations website, where you will find information on this years campaign around Anxiety and the help available to you.